Bot Traffic Analytics & Management
Designed Specifically for Cloudflare Users.
Intelligently manages your Cloudflare firewall
Turnstil.Cloud clicks each time a request is made to your server. Use Turnstil to gain deep insights into ALL the traffic hitting your website – both bot & human!
Google Analytics doesn’t show bot traffic - We Do!
Most website owners never see the bot traffic hitting their website(s), because Google Analytics doesn’t display bot traffic. With Turnstil.Cloud, you can see ALL of the traffic taking up your sever resources, both Human & Bot!
Manage Advertising ROI & Ensure Campaign Success
All advertising platforms have a big problem with click fraud – it’s a dirty secret they don’t talk about, and it wastes your ad dollars each and every day. Turnstil let’s you see ALL traffic coming to your website (including click fraud bots) so you can make valuable decisions about your ad spend.
Stop Many Types Of Attacks Before They Ever Happen
Through the power of our community, we spot emerging cybercrime trends and website attack vectors quickly, and apply that knowledge to protecting your website(s).
Case Study: Credential Stuffing
Most people reuse passwords across multiple websites. A successful hack on your competitor (or any other website) can lead to a “Credential Stuffing Attack” on your website, where criminals gain access to user accounts using lists of known email/password combos.