Under Attack? We can help!

Turnstil can be installed & works even if your website is down from a DDoS, Brute Force, or other attack. Get started now and have your website back up in minutes.

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Designed Specifically for Cloudflare Users.

We can help

Analytics & Management

Intelligently manages your Cloudflare firewall

Turnstil.Cloud clicks each time a request is made to your server. Use Turnstil to gain deep insights into ALL the traffic hitting your website – both bot & human!

Stay secure

Comprehensive insight into the bot traffic

Turnstil.Cloud is Artificial Intelligence (AI) coupled with Machine Learning that acts as an intelligent interface to control the Cloudflare Firewall while also providing comprehensive analytics and deep insight into the bot traffic on your website.

Get Deep Insight

Peer into how good bots are navigating your website, from Google Search bots to Social Media link-backs.

Monitor Landing Page Traffic

See how much traffic comes from bots, compared to real humans.

Increase Ad ROI

Halt ads on platforms that misrepresent Clickthrough & Conversion Rates.

Make Valuable Decisions

Stay informed about your ad spend, based on the actual traffic coming to your website.

Manage Commercial Bots

Watch how commercial bots use your website for their benefit and control what information your competitors can see.

Bad Bots Masquerading As Human

Identify traffic and its true purpose easily with Turnstil.Cloud.

Start for free today

Monitor bots & human activity in realtime

There’s no cost to install Turnstil and gain insight your traffic. If you’re already a Cloudflare user, it takes less than a minute to install Turnstil and begin controlling the bot traffic on your website.